A hand holding a baby green plant.
Photo credits: Akil Mazumder from Pexels.

Day-to-day accessibility is a behavioral change

Aditya Bajaj
Feb 2, 2022

Creating accessible content on a day-to-day basis is a behavioral change. You can better achieve the dream of everyone creating accessible content when they “want” vs. “have” to make the content accessible. The accessibility guidelines are vast and taking baby steps at a time is the way to go about it. I have put together the quick and easy to remember checklist below to help those that are moving fast yet want to improve their content’s accessibility one thing at a time.

Read full article: top common accessibility errors cheatsheet.



Aditya Bajaj

Aditya is an accessibility advocate and very passionate about improving user experience with a lens of accessibility. See more posts at https://wcagaccess.com.